Fixtures & Results (Senior Matches 2022)

The 2022 Cricket Season is about to begin. Listed below are the entire League, Village Cup and Friendly Fixtures involving Reed Cricket Club’s Senior Teams this year plus Herts Area Youth and Herts County Championship Senior’s matches to be staged at Reed. Everything is listed in date order and is accurate at time of publishing this post (27th March 2022). Depending on the type of match, the relevant League Tables, Results and News can be seen on a variety of websites: Reed 3rd XI play Home fixtures on the Freman College Oval, Bowling Green Lane, Buntingford, SG9 9BT. Reed’s Youth Teams at Under 9, Under 11 and Under 15 will participate in the Hertfordshire Junior League The Under 13s are in the Cambridgeshire Youth Cricket Association, In due course, all the Youth Teams’ fixtures and results should be found on the relevant website or at

By |2023-03-06T06:50:23+00:00March 27th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Fixtures, Historic Documents, News|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Fixtures & Results (Senior Matches 2022)

Minutes of the Sixty-fourth Annual General Meeting of Reed CC, 18th February 2021

Minutes of the Sixty-fourth Annual General Meeting of Reed Cricket Club held virtually on Thursday 18th February 2021 starting at 2000hrs. 1. Opening address and to confirm the present incumbent, Andrew Emms, as Club President and Chairman of the AGM. According to the Club Constitution there being no alternative nomination received in the requisite time, ANDREW EMMS remained Club President. Andrew was pleased to be able to welcome members to this (so far) unique, virtual AGM. He was hopeful for a full season in 2021. A few basic “house rules” regarding virtual meeting protocol and how to pose questions were provided thanks to Julien Fynn who was “hosting” the meeting. 2. Attendance & Apologies. Present at Virtual Meeting: Andrew Emms, (Club President, Chairman of the AGM), Peter Baker, (Minute Taker), Marcus Baker, Matt Bowles, Lloyd Bowman, Jaime Boyd, Mitchell Cooper, Jonathan Fynn, Julien Fynn, Nadine Fynn, Edward Garrott, Paul Garrott, Matt Giblin, Sam Greaves, Tom Greaves, Hannah Heslam, James Heslam, William Heslam, Rhodri Hughes, Chris Jackson, Rob Lankester, Bill Mansfield, Peter McMeekin, Scott Nash, Steve Nash, Chloe Robertson, Cilla Robertson, Michael Robertson, Richard Robertson, Bethan Smith, Graham Smith, Stuart Smith, Jack Tidey, Ed Wharton, Richard Wharton, Peter Wholley and Rob Willoughby, (37 attendees). Participating in Ballot: For record purposes, the following 42 Members submitted votes in the 2021 AGM process: Chris Baker, Marcus Baker, Peter Baker, Adrian Baxter, Roger Bowcock, Matt Bowles, Lloyd Bowman, Jaime Boyd, Julie Collins, Mitchell Cooper, Dennis Easley, Phil Frenay, Edward Garrott, Paul Garrott, Matt Giblin, Sam Greaves, Tom Greaves, Neil Haslam, Richard Haydon, John Heslam, Chris Jackson, Simon Jackson, Richard Johnson, Rob Lankester, Marcus Martin, Rupert Martin, Greg McKinnell, Peter McMeekin, Steve Nash, Chloe Robertson, Cilla Robertson, Richard Robertson, Bethan [...]

By |2021-11-28T09:58:55+00:00October 25th, 2021|Categories: 2020, 2020 AGM, 2021, 2021 AGM, AGM, Historic Documents, News|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Minutes of the Sixty-fourth Annual General Meeting of Reed CC, 18th February 2021

The National Village Cup “comes home”

In recognition of Reed CC winning the National Village Cricket Championship, (to give it it's original title), in 2012, 2017 and 2019, Club President, Andrew Emms, presented Tom Greaves a smaller-scale replica of the National Village Cup during last weekend's Chairman's Match. Once re-opened, the Cup will be on display in the Howard Marshall Pavilion soon.

By |2021-08-13T07:29:54+01:00July 17th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Historic Documents, News, Social|Tags: |Comments Off on The National Village Cup “comes home”

Membership & Subscriptions, Reed CC 2021

FROM CILLA ROBERTSON, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, REED CRICKET CLUB. THANK YOU TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE ALREADY PAID & COMPLETED THEIR REGISTRATION FORM. After a most unusual season in 2020, when cricket was only allowed to be played from July 2020 it is now time to look forward to a ‘new beginning’. The cricket season is fast approaching and applications for Club membership and the payment of Annual Subscriptions are due. Please take the time to complete the application form, so the club database is updated. In order to ensure that all interested parties are kept up to date with club information, it is important that your Membership form is completed and returned to me either by post, on-line form, or e-mail ([email protected]). The on-line Form is on this Homepage - go to the Members Area and choose the Adult Membership Form. At the 2020 AGM (held via Zoom in February 2021) the membership rates were agreed as follows: Adult Playing Members: £115 (Reduced to £95 if paid before 1st May.) Junior Playing Members, (aged 15 and above on 1st Sept 2020 AND in full-time education): £35 (Reduced to £25 if paid before 1st May.) Youth Members: £50 (Refer to the Youth Membership Form in the Members Area.) Non-Playing Members and Vice-Presidents: £25 (to include a £10.00 Bar voucher - those who were unable to use their voucher from last year due to restrictions will have theirs extended.) Please remember that being a paid up member of Reed Cricket Club means that you are covered by the club’s public liability insurance when taking part in anything in the name of Reed Cricket Club. You are also supporting the club and helping to maintain the facilities [...]

By |2021-05-02T07:33:39+01:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Historic Documents, Membership Form, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Membership & Subscriptions, Reed CC 2021

Constitution of Reed Cricket Club (2020/21 version)

LATEST VERSION OF THE REED CRICKET CLUB CONSTITUTION, 18th FEBRUARY 2021. GENERAL: 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objectives of the Club are the provision of opportunities for recreation and socialising for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Clubhouse at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AX. 3. Club colours are royal blue and gold. AFFILIATION: 4. The Club shall be affiliated to, and play under the rules of, the ECB, SHPCL and HCCA. MEMBERSHIP: 5. Every candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will notify the Executive Committee. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he / she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Applicants shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion at the earliest opportunity or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 6. The membership categories of the Club shall be: a. President; b. Honorary Life Member; c. Vice-President; d. Non-playing / Family Member; e. Playing Member (Senior); f. Playing Member (Junior and Youth). SUBSCRIPTIONS; 7. Every Member shall pay on being admitted to the Club an Annual Subscription that shall be fixed from time to time by the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual Subscription will cover a calendar year, that being the period of 1st January to 31st December (inclusive) in any year. The Committee may, at their discretion, reduce subscriptions to individual members in recognition of services rendered to the club. Such subscription shall be deemed to be a debt due to the Honorary Treasurer of the Club for the time being. 8. No money or [...]

By |2021-02-27T17:58:22+00:00February 19th, 2021|Categories: 2020 AGM, Club Constitution, Historic Documents|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Constitution of Reed Cricket Club (2020/21 version)

Constitution of Reed Cricket Club (2021/22 version)

LATEST VERSION OF THE REED CRICKET CLUB CONSTITUTION, 18th NOVEMBER 2021. GENERAL: 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objectives of the Club are the provision of opportunities for recreation and socialising for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Clubhouse at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AX. 3. Club colours are royal blue and gold. AFFILIATION: 4. The Club shall be affiliated to, and play under the rules of, the ECB, SHPCL and HCCA. MEMBERSHIP: 5. Every candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will notify the Executive Committee. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he / she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Applicants shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion at the earliest opportunity or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 6. The membership categories of the Club shall be: a. President; b. Honorary Life Member; c. Vice-President; d. Non-playing / Family Member; e. Playing Member (Senior); f. Playing Member (Junior and Youth). SUBSCRIPTIONS; 7. Every Member shall pay on being admitted to the Club an Annual Subscription that shall be fixed from time to time by the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual Subscription will cover a calendar year, that being the period of 1st January to 31st December (inclusive) in any year. The Committee may, at their discretion, reduce subscriptions to individual members in recognition of services rendered to the club. Such subscription shall be deemed to be a debt due to the Honorary Treasurer of the Club for the time being. 8. No money or [...]

By |2022-01-26T14:19:19+00:00November 30th, 2019|Categories: 2020, 2021, 2021 AGM, Club Constitution, Historic Documents, News, Policy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Constitution of Reed Cricket Club (2021/22 version)

Reed Cricket Club Policy Documents and Codes of Conduct (January 2022)

Reed Cricket Club Policy Documents and Codes of Conduct (Updated to January 2022). ================================================================================ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) This Privacy Notice sets out how Reed Cricket Club aims to repay the trust you have shown by sharing your personal data within the club. The Privacy Notice in brief It’s important that you read the full Privacy Notice to understand what information we hold, how we may use it, and what your rights are – but if you don’t have time to read it all now, here is a short summary: • We collect information that is either personal data (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses) • We collect information about our registered club members • We collect information to provide services or goods, to provide information, to fundraise, for administration. • We only collect the information that we need, or that would be useful to us in our aim to provide the best possible service. • We do our very best to keep personal information secure, wherever we collect personal data online. • We never sell your data, and we will never share it with another company for marketing purposes. • We only share data where we are required by law, Reed Cricket Club Privacy Notice Reed C.C. promises to respect the personal information you provide to us. We wouldn’t want to use it in a way that you won’t expect, so our Privacy Notice explains how we protect your privacy and how you can control how we use your personal information. If you want to change the way in which we use your data or if you have a question about how your personal information is used, please contact us using [...]

By |2022-01-26T14:44:52+00:00April 22nd, 2018|Categories: 2019, 2021, 2022, Child Safeguarding Policy, Child Welfare Policy, GDPR, Historic Documents, Players Code Of Conduct, Policy, Safeguarding|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Reed Cricket Club Policy Documents and Codes of Conduct (January 2022)

Club Constitution (2017)

CONSTITUTION OF REED CRICKET CLUB. GENERAL: 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objectives of the Club are the provision of opportunities for recreation and socialising for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Clubhouse at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AX. 3. Club colours are royal blue and gold. AFFILIATION: 4. The Club shall be affiliated to, and play under the rules of, the ECB, SHPCL and HCCA. MEMBERSHIP: 5. Every candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will notify the Executive Committee. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he / she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Applicants shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion at the earliest opportunity or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 6. The membership categories of the Club shall be: a. President; b. Honorary Life Member; c. Vice-President; d. Non-playing / Family Member; e. Playing Member (Senior); f. Playing Member (Junior and Colt). SUBSCRIPTIONS; 7. Every Member shall pay on being admitted to the Club an Annual Subscription that shall be fixed from time to time by the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual Subscription will cover a calendar year, that being the period of 1st January to 31st December (inclusive) in any year. The Committee may, at their discretion, reduce subscriptions to individual members in recognition of services rendered to the club. Such subscription shall be deemed to be a debt due to the Honorary Treasurer of the Club for the time being. 8. No money or property of the Club or any [...]

By |2017-11-25T17:03:04+00:00November 25th, 2017|Categories: 2017, Club Constitution, Historic Documents|Tags: , |Comments Off on Club Constitution (2017)

Club Constitution (2016)

CONSTITUTION OF REED CRICKET CLUB. GENERAL: 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objectives of the Club are the provision of opportunities for recreation and socialising for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Clubhouse at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AX. 3. Club colours are royal blue and gold. AFFILIATION: 4. The Club shall be affiliated to, and play under the rules of, the ECB, SHPCL and HCCA. MEMBERSHIP: 5. Every candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will notify the Executive Committee. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he / she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Applicants shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion at the earliest opportunity or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 6. The membership categories of the Club shall be: a. President; b. Honorary Life Member; c. Vice-President; d. Non-playing / Family Member; e. Playing Member (Senior); f. Playing Member (Junior and Colt). SUBSCRIPTIONS; 7. Every Member shall pay on being admitted to the Club an Annual Subscription that shall be fixed from time to time by the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual Subscription will cover a calendar year, that being the period of 1st January to 31st December (inclusive) in any year. The Committee may, at their discretion, reduce subscriptions to individual members in recognition of services rendered to the club. Such subscription shall be deemed to be a debt due to the Honorary Treasurer of the Club for the time being. 8. No money or property of the Club or any [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:10:28+00:00November 26th, 2016|Categories: 2016, Club Constitution, Historic Documents|Tags: , |Comments Off on Club Constitution (2016)

Club Constitution (2015)

CONSTITUTION OF REED CRICKET CLUB. GENERAL: 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objectives of the Club are the provision of opportunities for recreation and socialising for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Clubhouse at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AX. 3. Club colours are royal blue and gold. AFFILIATION: 4. The Club shall be affiliated to, and play under the rules of, the ECB, SHPCL and HCCA. MEMBERSHIP: 5. Every candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will notify the Executive Committee. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he / she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Applicants shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion at the earliest opportunity or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 6. The membership categories of the Club shall be: a. President; b. Honorary Life Member; c. Vice-President; d. Non-playing / Family Member; e. Playing Member (Senior); f. Playing Member (Junior and Colt). SUBSCRIPTIONS; 7. Every Member shall pay on being admitted to the Club an Annual Subscription that shall be fixed from time to time by the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual Subscription will cover a calendar year, that being the period of 1st January to 31st December (inclusive) in any year. The Committee may, at their discretion, reduce subscriptions to individual members in recognition of services rendered to the club. Such subscription shall be deemed to be a debt due to the Honorary Treasurer of the Club for the time being. 8. No money or property of the Club or any [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:13:25+00:00November 22nd, 2015|Categories: 2015, Club Constitution, Historic Documents|Tags: |Comments Off on Club Constitution (2015)
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