Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the Pavilion on 28th November 2013.


A. Emms    President – Chairman of AGM

J.Q. Heslam               S. Tidey                    C. Jackson                 S. Smith                    T. Tidey

G. Smith                    Mrs J. Smith              P. Tidey                    M. Cooper                K. Collins

L. Johnson                M. Martin                 J.A. Heslam               Toby Fynn                P. Wholley                 M. Baker           J. Fynn T. Greaves       M. Bowles                                 W. Heslam

R. Willoughby           A. Emms                   P. Watts                    R. Bowcock               N. Haslam

Apologies for Absence:

Mr R. Robertson, Mrs C. Robertson, Dennis Easley, Maseeh Naeem, Peter McMeekin, Peter Baker, Howard Marshall, Richard Haydon, Michael Curtis.

1). Matters Arising from 2012 AGM Minutes:

There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last AGM meeting.

2). Approval of the Minutes of 2012 AGM

These were unanimously approved by the meeting following a proposal by James Heslam (JAH) and seconded by Graham Smith (GS).

3). Hon. Secretary’s Report 2013.

Michael Curtis’s 2013 Hon Secretary’s Report was complete and online.

Roger Bowcock (RB) proposed the Hon Secretary’s report be accepted, and this was seconded by Graham Smith and approved unanimously.

4). Hon. Treasurer’s Report

Hon. Treasurer Bethan Smith (BS) presented and reviewed the figures for the clubs 2012/13 financial year, which had yet to be audited. It was agreed by the Auditors that the auditing examination would be completed and a report available to the first meeting of the RCCGC in January 2014. John Heslam (JQH) commented as Chairman of the Club that the detailed focus on Income and Expenditure and available balances of Club Funds at every meeting of the RCCGC meant that few problems or surprises were likely to be encountered in the Audit.

There were no issues of significance in relation to the accounts and the Clubs closing balance in 2013 was £10,000 higher than in 2012 underwritten mainly by less expenditure on Ground and Equipment and much improved Bar Profits led by higher Bar Turnover. Match Fees and Annual Subscriptions as a joint income figure were higher in 2013 as the better weather during the summer had resulted in more matches being played.

The Club holds almost £22,000 in its accounts. This is a very health figure and will enable the RCCGC to proceed with a number of planned investments including an electronic scoreboard for the 2014 season.

Keith Collins proposed acceptance of the Club Annual Accounts, this was seconded by Tom Greaves and approved unanimously.

The Bar Report produced by Peter McMeekin demonstrated Club record turnover and a record net profit figure of over £10,000.

A very satisfactory margin of profit was achieved through shrewd product purchasing and a high degree of purchasing management. A number of social events had produced exceptional turnover and profit for the Club.

Acceptance of the Bar Accounts was proposed by Tom Greaves, seconded by Jonathan Fynn and approved unanimously.

100 Club Accounts:  Membership of the 100 Club had increased during the Year and the100 club accounts had been prepared separately by Peter McMeekin.

Acceptance was proposed by Matt Bowles seconded by Bethan Smith and agreed unanimously.

5). Proposed Rule Change:

JQH summarised to the meeting the Rule Change that he had detailed in the formal Notice of the AGM posted on the Club Website and in letters to Members earlier in the month.

This was:

Proposed Rule 7:

The Management of the Club shall be entrusted to a General Committee of no more than twentyone Club Members consisting of the PRESIDENT, CLUB CAPTAIN, CLUB CHAIRMAN, 2ND XI CAPTAIN, SUNDAY CAPTAIN, HONORARY SECRETARY, HONORARY TREASURER, HONORARY SOCIAL SECRETARY, HONORARY MATCH SECRETARY, BAR COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, GROUND COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, COLTS LIAISON OFFICER, WELFARE OFFICER, UNDER 25 REPRESENTATIVE, FUNDRAISING OFFICER, COACHING COORDINATOR, SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, and up to FOUR other members of the club elected at the Annual General Meeting. Every Member of the General Committee, with the exception of the PRESIDENT, shall retire at the end of one year’s service, but shall be eligible for re-election. The UNDER 25 REPRESENTATIVE must be under 25 when elected. The Committee shall meet at such times as the Committee shall determine, and at all meetings of the General Committee ELEVEN shall form a quorum.

The Rule Changes were proposed by JQH and seconded by Marcus Baker (MB) and passed by a majority of 22 For and 2 Against.

6). To Consider and Ratify or Amend Rates of Subscription:

JQH detailed to the assembly the outcomes of the 2013 experiment with reducing Annual Subscriptions and Increasing Match Fees. Financially and administratively it had proved acceptable and successful but there had been some early season concerns and lack of understanding of the Annual Subs/Match Fee balance. The issue of having a Match Fee in excess of £10.00 was also felt by some to be “psychologically” damaging/difficult.

JQH had also undertaken a SHCL Annual Subscription and Match Fee investigation/survey that had achieved full responses from 34 Clubs in our League. These figures proved what many already believed, that being that Reed CC Annual Subscription and Match Fees Costs were amongst the lowest and best value in the County. For the average Adult Playing Member, Reed costs of Membership and Match Fees were the 4th LOWEST out of 35 Clubs in the survey. The only Clubs with lower charges were Pirton, Little Berkhamstead Sahibs and Greenwood Park – none of whom offer the same standard or quality of facilities as our own Club.

After the season was over JQH Chaired a joint meeting with relevant Club Officers and the Full RCC Selection Committee to review the success or otherwise of the 2013 system of charges. Following this meeting some changes to the balance of the charges were agreed, increasing the 2014 Adult Annual Subscription, reducing down the Non Players Annual Subscription and slightly reducing the previous Match Fees. The introduction of a 50% 2nd Match of the Weekend Match Fee Reduction was also proposed and agreed.

The November Meeting of the RCCGC had discussed and agreed proposed 2014 Charges and the Committees specific proposal was read and proposed for acceptance by the AGM Assembly.

This was:


ADULT PLAYER:      Annual Subscription – £40.00

JUNIOR PLAYER:      Annual Subscription – £25.00

Non Player/V.P.:          Annual Subscription – £20.00


Saturdays:                                                                                 Sundays:


ADULT           £10.00                                                               ADULT           £10.00

JUNIOR           £8.00                                                               JUNIOR           £8.00

COLT              £8.00                                                               COLT              £8.00


Sunday = 2nd Match of the Weekend = 50% Reduction.

ADULT           £5.00

JUNIOR           £4 .00

COLT              £4.00

2nd Match Reductions ONLY APPLY if Annual Subscription is Fully Paid

The above Proposal was Proposed by James Heslam and Seconded by Mitchell Cooper and passed unanimously.

7). To Elect Officers for the coming Year:


The following Proposals were made and the persons shown elected into position:

There were no votes in relation to any office or position


Proposer              Seconder


President                                      ANDREW EMMS                     No Alternative Nomination Received


Vice-Presidents.                            Renewal En Bloc                       John Heslam         Marcus Martin


Hon. Secretary                              MICHAEL CURTIS                  Tom Greaves        Neil Haslam


Hon. Treasurer                             BETHAN SMITH                     Jonathan Fynn     Graham Smith


Club Chairman                              JOHN HESLAM                        Tim Tidey            Mitchell Cooper


Hon. Match Secretary                   PETER WHOOLEY                 Paul Watts           Chris Jackson


Paul Watts announced earlier in the year that he would be standing down after 15 YEARS as the Clubs Hon. Fixture Secretary. A Vote of thanks was proposed to Paul for all his very hard work over a long period of time and the meeting applauded Paul in appreciation for his efforts.


Hon. Social Secretary                    MATT BOWLES                      Marcus Martin      Tom Greaves


Club Captain                                 JAMES HESLAM                      Lee Johnson         Mitchell Cooper


Club Vice Captain                         TOM GREAVES                       Lee Johnson         Marcus Martin


2nd XI Captain                             MARCUS MARTIN                  Tim Tidey            Matt Bowles


2nd XI Vice Captain                     PHIL FRENAY                         Matt Bowles         Marcus Martin


Mid Week Captain                        MITCHELL COOPER              James Heslam       Lee Johnson


3rd XI Captain                               MASEEH NAEEM                    Tom Greaves        Marcus Baker


4th XI Captain                               No Nomination Possible on the Night

A vote of thanks was recorded to Rob Willoughby for all his hard work as 4th Xl Captain, under sometimes trying circumstances, in the last few years.

Sunday Captain                             MARCUS BAKER                     Peter Baker          Tom Greaves

Sunday 2nd XI Captain – After discussion regarding the possible but as yet uncertain focus of Sunday Cricket in 2014 it was decided not to appoint a Sunday 2nd Xl Captain.

Selection Committee Chairman    PAUL WATTS                         John Heslam         Marcus Baker

Bar Committee Chairman             PETER McMEEKIN                John Heslam         Roger Bowcock

Keith Collins announced that after over 35 Years working on, and organising the stock of the Club Bar, he was standing down from the formal position of Bar Committee Chairman. New Online purchasing arrangements and other elements of the role meant that Keith thought it appropriate that Peter McMeekin be fully recognised for the key role that he already undertook in relation to control and management of the Club Bar. The assembly applauded Keith and made a formal vote of thanks in recognition of his many years of contribution to this vital Club asset that had raised over £130,000 towards the Clubs Funds since the Club Bar first opened in 1977.

Ground Committee Chairman       RICHARD ROBERTSON          Peter Wholley      Marcus Baker

A vote of thanks was given to Richard Robertson for his tremendous efforts and work during the year.

Colts Liaison Officer                    PETER WHOLLEY                 Rob Willoughby    Marcus Martin

A vote of thanks was given to all Colts’ Managers, non-cricketers and helpers for their work during the year.

Welfare Officer                            CILLA ROBERTSON               Peter Wholley      Rob Willoughby

Under 25 Representative              MITCHELL COOPER              James Heslam       William Heslam

Fundraising Officer                       JOHN HESLAM                        Marcus Baker       Peter Tidey

Coaching Coordinator                   TOM GREAVES                       Mitchell Cooper   Peter Wholley

General Committee:                      PETER BAKER                        Andrew Emms      John Heslam

STUART SMITH                      Andrew Emms      John Heslam

GRAHAM SMITH       Andrew Emms  John Heslam

HOWARD MARSHALL           Andrew Emms      John Heslam

KEITH COLLINS                     Andrew Emms      John Heslam

LEE JOHNSON                         James Heslam       Rob Willoughby


Selection Committee:

All Captains and Vice Captains plus TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS:


MICHAEL ROBERTSON         Stuart Smith         Mitchell Cooper

MATT BOWLES                      Marcus Martin      Tom Greaves



Hon. Auditors                               JONATHAN FYNN                  Bethan Smith       Graham Smith

JOHN HESLAM                        Andrew Emms      Rob Willoughby

Any Other Business

Marcus Baker:

MB recommended that the 3rd Xl Players Player of the Year Trophy be renamed the Steve Lovegrove Trophy in memory of Steve who sadly and suddenly passed away. This was agreed unanimously by the meeting.

Andrew Emms:

AE announced to everyone that a Christmas Social with a Fr Christmas visit would be held on Sunday 22nd December 2013 in the Pavilion.

Matt Bowles:

MB announced that the Clubs 2014 Cricket Tour would again be on August bank Holiday Weekend and that NORFOLK was the likely venue.

Peter Wholley:

PW asked for an update on the Herts Premier League proposal and JAH described the intended format and Match Rules to the meeting. Full details (some to be confirmed) are available on the SHCL Website. Reed 1st Xl will be playing in the Herts Championship League (Premier League Div 2) in the 2014 Season.

The Meeting closed at 9.25pm.