Colts Enrolment and Awards Presentation Evening

The Colts Enrolment and Awards Presentation Evening will be at 1900hrs on Friday 24th March in the Clubhouse. Current young players, potential new players and their parents / carers will be welcome to celebrate the 2016 season with the presentation of the team awards to be made by RCC 1st XI Captain, Tom Greaves. If you have any friends, boys or girls, who might be interested, bring them along to the evening. Caps and cricket equipment, including Abdo guards will be on display to order or purchase. If you are selected to play in a match, you are expected to wear full whites and a Reed Cricket Club cap. In addition, you will need your own Abdo guard, clearly named as with any other personal equipment. All players, who do not have their own helmet, are measured at the start of the season, so that you and your manager can ensure that you wear the correct helmet when batting or wicket keeping. Cilla Robertson, RCC Colts Liaison Officer.

By |2017-03-21T09:42:47+00:00February 8th, 2017|Categories: 2017, Colts Awards, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Colts Enrolment and Awards Presentation Evening

Membership Subscriptions & Match Fees, 2017

Reed Cricket Club Subscriptions 2017. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. Adult Playing Members £85 (Reduced to £70 if paid before 1st May). Junior Playing Members (aged 16 and above in full-time education) £35 (Reduced to £25 if paid before 1st May). Colt Members £50 Non-Playing Members £25 Vice-Presidents (Voluntary contribution) £25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Match Fees 2017: Match Fees & Teas (Afternoon fixtures): Adults £10 Juniors / Colts (in Open-Age matches, i.e., not Colts’ fixtures.) £8 Match Fees (Evening fixtures): Mid-week Adults £2 Mid-week Colts (in Open-Age matches, i.e. not Colt’s fixtures.) £1 Matches Fees on Sundays are reduced by 50% if players have played on both the Saturday & Sunday of that weekend. (Applicable only when the Full Subscription has been received.) Adults £5 Juniors / Colts £4 N.B. There are no match fees for Colts playing in Colts' fixtures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forms for renewing Membership have been emailed to existing members this week. If you are a current player and have not received a Form, please contact Cilla Robertson. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New joiners (young or old, male or female), please either contact the Membership Secretary, Cilla Robertson, by telephone, (01763 848835), or "email us" by clicking on the "Contact Us" heading at the top of this homepage. A membership Form will then be sent to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

By |2017-05-02T05:57:37+01:00February 8th, 2017|Categories: 2017, Membership Form, News|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Membership Subscriptions & Match Fees, 2017

Sainsbury’s Vouchers for Active Kids

When shopping in Sainsbury's, please collect the Vouchers for Active Kids 2017. Reed Cricket Club will be collecting vouchers from now until June so please consider gathering as many as you can. You could save yours until the cricket season begins at the end of April then bring them to the Clubhouse where there is a collection box. Or if you cannot wait, you could give them to Cilla or Richard Robertson when you see them. Or even to Michael Robertson if you attend nets. If you wanted, you could post them to Cilla at 1, Rose Villas, Jackson's Lane, Reed, Herts, SG8 8AB. Reed CC's young playing members have benefitted from similar schemes over many years. Thank you in anticipation of your kind contributions.

By |2017-01-27T06:36:38+00:00January 27th, 2017|Categories: 2017, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Sainsbury’s Vouchers for Active Kids

Sarries v Quins, Saturday 8th April

Message published on behalf of Saracens Rugby Union Football Club who sponsor the Hertfordshire Premier Cricket League. Saracens will play Harlequins at Wembley on Saturday 8th April 2017, kick-off 1630hrs but show starts at 1500hrs. Saracens return to the iconic venue for the fourteenth time for an afternoon of high-class Premiership Rugby and live spectacular entertainment from Louisa Johnson, Rock Choir and more. Silver Adults £33 with £10 cash back / U16’s £20 with £7.50 cash back – Lower & Middle Tiers Take advantage of this great promotional offer by booking online at and at the same time earn cash back for your club. All tickets in each category, purchased using your club code, before Saturday 10th March 2017, will be seated together. • Go to • Click the Tickets button on menu navigator below the picture rotators • Enter the code REEDCC in the Promotional Code box on the RHS and validate • Click the Buy within the Wembley Clubs and Schools Box • Enter the amount of tickets you require for adults and juniors and Add To Cart* • This takes you to your cart and asks for payment • Follow the instructions on-screen to set up/open an account and make the payment PLEASE NOTE YOUR TICKETS WILL BE SENT DIRECT TO YOUR HOME AT THE END OF MARCH 2017 TWITTER: Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @Saracens and let us know you’re coming to Wembley! #derbyday #SaracensatWembley Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require further information: [email protected] We look forward to seeing you there. Kind regards, Theresa Bouchier *A one-off booking fee per order applies

By |2017-01-26T16:41:54+00:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: News, Social|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Sarries v Quins, Saturday 8th April

Winter Nets – Open to all adult players

The Freman College Sports Hall has been booked for a series of practice / net sessions on Wednesday evenings from 11th January to 12th April 2017 (inclusive), 2000hrs to 2200hrs. Potential new players will be welcome irrespective of standard. There will be a charge of £5 per person per week - please ensure you bring the correct money with you. Note: These Wednesday sessions will be for Junior (Over 15) and Adult players. Practices for All Age-Groups of Colts, (i.e. up to Under 15), will be on every Saturday morning commencing on 7th January between 1000hrs and 1100hrs. See separate News Item for details. Please refer to the Events Calendar on the right-side of this RCC homepage to check all dates. Contacts are Tom Greaves 07787 243915 and Marcus Baker 07376 186527. =============================================================================== If you have any other queries, please send your enquiry via the “Contact Us” facility on this website. Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. PGB, Hon. Sec., RCC. (Oldest Centurion!)

By |2017-01-19T10:08:39+00:00December 7th, 2016|Categories: Adult Training, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Winter Nets – Open to all adult players

Colts’ Winter Nets

U11, U13 & U15 INDOOR COACHING NETS 2017 All U11s (age 7 or older on Sept. 1 2016), U13s (age 11 /12 on Sept.1 2016) & U15s (age 13 / 14 on Sept.1 2016), Colts are invited to attend indoor nets which are being run by Lead Coach Richard Barlow at:- FREMAN COLLEGE SPORTS CENTRE, Bowling Green Lane, Buntingford, SG9 9BT. At 10 a.m. – 11a.m. on the following dates (all are Saturday mornings): 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th January; 4th, 25th February; 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March. If you have any friends, girls or boys, who may be interested in coming along to the nets and may want to join Reed C.C. please invite them along. The cost is £4.00 per person PER SESSION. (Please bring exact amount so that collector does not need to worry about change. Thank you.) OFFER: Pay for 9 sessions £36.00, in advance by 3rd January 2017 and have the 10th session free. Please notify Cilla Robertson if you will be attending. This is important in order to allocate the correct number of coaches. If paying in advance, please make cheques payable to Reed Cricket Club and send them to her at: 1, Rose Villas, Jacksons Lane, Reed, Royston, Herts., SG8 8AB. If you have any queries regarding the nets please ring Cilla Robertson on 01763 848835 or send your enquiry to her via the "Contact Us" facility on this website.

By |2016-12-27T13:10:27+00:00December 7th, 2016|Categories: Colts' Training, News|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Colts’ Winter Nets

Father Christmas at Reed Cricket Club on Sunday 18th December

A message sent by Andrew Emms on behalf of Santa Claus. Dear Reed CC Members & Friends, Father Christmas has again found the time in his busy schedule to pay a visit to Reed Cricket Club. This year he will be arriving at 1200hrs on Sunday 18th December. All Club members and families will be welcome for what has become a fun social event in the calendar. Father Christmas will be planning to arrive once he is sure that all the children are there. Would Mums and Dads let me know the names and ages of their children, if attending so that FC can select an appropriate pressie which he will be pleased to give them! Also, as you all know, Santa has a very generous circumference, and to keep it that way he asks that as many nibbles, nuts, sausage rolls, mince pies etc., are brought along by us all. We dare not refuse!! Don’t forget, SUNDAY 18TH DECEMBER 12 NOON!!!!!!!!! HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andrew Emms, President, Reed Cricket Club.

By |2016-12-18T14:27:39+00:00December 2nd, 2016|Categories: 2016, News, Social|Tags: , |Comments Off on Father Christmas at Reed Cricket Club on Sunday 18th December

Life Membership for Roger Bowcock

Roger Bowcock was made a Life Member of Reed Cricket Club during the Sixtieth Annual General Meeting last Thursday. Roger joined Reed CC in 1973 and in his 43-year association has worked tirelessly and mostly unnoticed on a variety of projects at the Club. His engineering knowledge has been tapped frequently, and he continues to carry-out many of the manual labouring jobs that need doing. Roger was the king of the late cut back in his playing days which ceased about 15 years ago. He is a familiar figure at Reed and a great supporter of the Club strolling around the boundary on match days. Roger is an astute watcher and the official selectors might be wise to listen to his considered opinions. His is normally the first-shout at the Bar and he is a popular drinking partner. Reed CC has a very select band of Life Members and I am very happy to report that Roger has now joined Howard Marshall, Clive Collins, Rosemary Collins and Keith Collins in that small group. Peter G. Baker. Honorary Secretary, Reed CC November 2016.

By |2016-11-27T10:08:01+00:00November 27th, 2016|Categories: 2016, Awards, News, Uncategorized|Tags: , |Comments Off on Life Membership for Roger Bowcock

Club Officials elected at the 2016 AGM

The following comprise the Club General Committee: Club President - Andrew Emms Club Chairman – Stuart Smith. Honorary Secretary – Peter Baker. Honorary Treasurer – Bethan Smith. Playing Committee Chairman – Matt Bowles. Bar Committee Chairman – Peter McMeekin. Ground Committee Chairman – Richard Robertson. Membership Secretary – Cilla Robertson. Welfare Officer – Cilla Robertson. Fixtures Secretary – Peter Wholley. Coaches’ Coordinator – Richard Barlow. Fundraising Officer – James Heslam. Social Secretary - Vacant. Colts Liaison Officer – Cilla Robertson. Under 25 Representative – William Heslam. Club Captain – Tom Greaves. Second XI Captain – Phil Frenay. Sunday Captain – Marcus Baker. Without Portfolio - Sean Tidey. Without Portfolio - Peter Tidey. Without Portfolio - 2 Vacancies. The following comprise the Club Executive Committee: Club Chairman – Stuart Smith. Honorary Secretary – Peter Baker. Honorary Treasurer – Bethan Smith. Playing Committee Chairman – Matt Bowles. Bar Committee Chairman – Peter McMeekin. Ground Committee Chairman & SHPCL Representative – Richard Robertson. Membership Secretary & Welfare Officer – Cilla Robertson. Club Captain – Tom Greaves. N.B. Club President Andrew Emms is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. The following were elected as Non-Committee Members: 1st XI Vice-Captain – Jack Tidey. 2nd XI Vice-Captain – Karl Ward. 3rd XI Captain – Marcus Baker. 4th XI Captain – Lloyd Bowman. Mid-Week Captain – Vacant. Because of the structure of the Fixture list on Sundays, the specific position of Sunday 2nd XI Captain remained vacant. The following comprise the Playing Sub-Committee (Team Selection and Club Awards): Playing Committee Chairman – Matt Bowles. Club Captain – Tom Greaves. Second XI Captain – Phil Frenay. 1st XI Vice-Captain – Jack Tidey. 2nd XI Vice-Captain – Karl Ward. 3rd XI Captain and [...]

By |2016-11-27T09:14:20+00:00November 26th, 2016|Categories: 2016, 2016 AGM, AGM, News|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Club Officials elected at the 2016 AGM

Going, Going, Going Gone!!!”

“Once upon a time …..” there was a FUN game called Cricket. It was exported around the world to whichever continents the dastardly British chose to land on and exploit! It was simple and easy to play with basic equipment – a cudgel (or bat) a rolling object (or ball) and some sticks as a target to try and defend. It was a simple game, great fun, and hugely enjoyed by all who chose to play it. I started playing Cricket, taught by my Dad, at around the age of 5, on a coconut matting wicket, based on a concrete slab, surrounded by a dusty grassless outfield within a British RAF base on the island of Cyprus. By 11 I was back in England, now at a boarding school and I started playing competitive Cricket matches for the school age group teams. Free time in summer evenings and weekends could be spent utilising the college’s nets practice areas, and every school break-time there was an old bat and tennis balls, and playground cricket to be enjoyed by anyone (usually 30 or 40!) who joined the throng! One hand one bounce is out, wicket-taker takes over as batsman, etc etc – great fun!! I was never a top grade batsman, and barely a bowler, but I could catch well and I loved my Cricket. By 16 I was playing for the School 2nd Xl on Saturdays and occasionally on Sundays for local area men’s Cricket teams that were “short”. Our resident school Cricket Master frequently got calls from some local adult sides – “have you got any reasonable lads who will help us make up our Sunday Xl”? I often helped out and that was great [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:10:29+00:00November 23rd, 2016|Categories: 2016, A View From The Chair, News|Tags: , |1 Comment
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