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Pay Up or Pay Out!

As you all ought to be aware Club Membership Subscriptions for any calendar year are technically due on the 1st of JANUARY each year. At last Novembers AGM the issue of Annual Subscription Levels, and some individuals frequent late payments, was thoroughly discussed. As a result of this discussion the formal Adult and Junior Playing Subscriptions were both increased substantially. Adult Playing Member Annual Subscription: £40 up to £60.00 Junior Playing Member Annual Subscription: £25 up to £35.00 HOWEVER, all those Members that Pay in Full BY 30th APRIL will be entitled to pay at the REDUCED Rates of: Adult Playing Member £40.00 Junior Playing Member £25.00 There are just 10 DAYS LEFT to enjoy these reduced rates of Annual Subscription – Please do NOT miss out on this opportunity to save some money on your Club subs. If you do miss the deadline – no Excuses – no Crocodile Tears! Pay up at the full official rate. This is the 3rd reminder that Club Officers have issued to try and save you money – please do not say that you have not been notified! Thanks and regards John Heslam Club Chairman

By |2016-12-27T13:15:18+00:00April 20th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |2 Comments

Latest 100 Club Draws

The latest 100 Club winners have been drawn. Are you one of the lucky ones? You can see the results here.

By |2016-12-27T13:15:23+00:00April 8th, 2015|Categories: 100 club, 2015, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Latest 100 Club Draws

Colts Open Day

We will be holding an open day for Colt cricketers on Saturday the 18th and Sunday 19th of April at the club. The sessions will start at 10am and any Colt aged 7 and above is most welcome. It will last until midday. If you need more information then please contact via the contact form here.

By |2016-12-27T13:15:24+00:00March 29th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on Colts Open Day

2015 Fixtures

The 2015 fixtures have finally been posted. You can see them all here in the club calendar.

By |2016-12-27T13:15:26+00:00March 29th, 2015|Categories: 2015, Fixtures|Tags: |Comments Off on 2015 Fixtures

New Life Members

At our recent Club AGM Keith Collins retired from serving on the General Committee of Reed Cricket Club after 40 years of selfless commitment to our Club. Keith served our Club as a Player, a widely respected local Umpire, and as our Bar Manager for very many years, playing a huge role in our Clubs development. In addition, Keith’s wife Rosemary, and her late mother Kath Ford, have made the Sunday Cricket Teas at Reed a renowned feature of North Hertfordshire Cricket, and Keith and Rosemary are thankfully still committed to the Club in this regard. At the first meeting of the 2015 Reed CC General Committee, Club Chairman John Heslam proposed that both Keith and Rosemary be elected LIFE MEMBERS of Reed Cricket Club. The Committee unanimously agreed this proposal, and we are a pleased to announce that Keith and Rosemary Collins have been added to the small and very select list of Life Members of Reed Cricket Club”.

By |2015-02-03T09:24:15+00:00February 3rd, 2015|Categories: 2015, News|Tags: |Comments Off on New Life Members

Adult Winter Nets

Adult winter nets will start on Wednesday the 14th of January. These nets are open to all adult club members from 15 years+ (as at 1st Sept. 2014)and will be held at Freman College in Buntingford in their new sports hall from 8- 9.30pm. These nets will be £4 per session per person. Club nets will be held on a fortnightly basis and will run through to April. If there are any issues please contact Marcus Martin 2nd XI Captain. First team nets sessions will start on Wednesday the 21st and will run fortnightly from 8 till 9.30pm. James Heslam will be in contact with the first team squad to discuss participation numbers. You can see the dates via the club calendar here. You can find the contact details for the Captains here.

By |2016-12-27T13:15:29+00:00December 30th, 2014|Categories: 2015, Adult Training|Tags: , |Comments Off on Adult Winter Nets

Club Constitution (2014)

CONSTITUTION OF REED CRICKET CLUB The Rules and Club Constitution are as follows. 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objects of the club are the provision of opportunities for recreation, social intercourse, and refreshment for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Club House at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Herts. 3. The Club will ensure a duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ‘ECB SAFE HANDS – WELFARE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN CRICKET’ policy, and any future versions of the policy. 4. To comply with the requirement of it’s Clubmark status obligations, the Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Club Inclusion and Diversity Policy and any future versions of this policy. Similarly, to comply with the requirement of it’s Clubmark status obligations, the Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Equity Policy and any future versions of this policy. 5. Every candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by Members of the Club. His or her full name and address and occupation and the name of the proposer and the seconder shall be communicated in writing to the Honorary Secretary, who shall cause these particulars to be exhibited prominently in the Club House in a part frequented by Members for a period of at least two days before his or her election as a Member. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. 6. Candidates for Membership shall be elected by the Committee at its sole discretion or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 7. The [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:15:30+00:00December 30th, 2014|Categories: Club Constitution, Historic Documents|Tags: |Comments Off on Club Constitution (2014)

Colts Winter Nets

All U11’s (age 9 or older on Sept. 1 2014), U13’s (age 11 /12 on Sept.1 2014) & U15’s (age 13 / 14 on Sept.1 2014) colts are invited to attend indoor nets which are being coached by Tom Greaves, Marcus Baker, Mitchell Cooper, Mike Robertson at the Freman College Sports Centre Buntingford on the following dates: Friday 9th January 2015 – Friday 20th March 2015 (excluding 21st February) at 6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. Or Saturday 10th January 201 – Saturday 21st March 2015 (excluding 21st February) 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. The cost is £4.00 per person PER SESSION. (Please bring exact amount so that collector does not need to worry about change. Thank you.) Please notify Cilla Robertson which sessions you will be attending. This is important in order to allocate the correct number of coaches. If you have any queries regarding the nets please ring Cilla Robertson 01763 848835

By |2016-12-27T13:15:32+00:00December 18th, 2014|Categories: 2015, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Colts Winter Nets

Santa is coming

HO, HO, HO, children!!! (and Mums & Dads). Santa is coming. On Sunday 21st December, I am visiting Reed Cricket Club to meet you all. I expect my sack of presents will be quite heavy! Time: from 12 noon Place: Reed CC Pavilion I will be quite hungry, so if your Mums and Dads could supply some nibbles/sausage rolls/canapés/etc.,etc., that would be grand! All welcome, bar open, a convivial time will be had by everyone!! Merry Christmas Everyone

By |2014-12-06T13:11:20+00:00December 6th, 2014|Categories: 2014, Social|Tags: , |Comments Off on Santa is coming

2014 Hon Secretary’s Season Review

Before I look back at to the 2014 season I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those from the club who sponsored me for my Prudential Ride London 100 cycle event. Also of significance for me was the fact that the 2014 season was the first time since I joined the club in 1990 that I hadn't picked up a bat in anger. Of more importance at the start of the season was would we still be able to get out four league sides? The first few weeks were a struggle and being 4th XI skipper is a tough job. John Kershaw had to relinquish the reins due to work commitments and the club owes Peter Baker a debt of gratitude for coming to the rescue and taking up the unenviable task. In the end, the 4th XI finished a comfortable 6th in their division and had to cancel a lot fewer games than some other big clubs in that division. Please read Peter's review of the 4th XI season for greater detail. The start of the season also saw the unveiling of the new electronic scoreboard. Thanks goes to John Heslam for organising the quote and getting the design put together. Richard Roberston and John then hired a van and drove to Yorkshire to pick up all the parts, after which the club carpenter, Paul Watts, was on hand to redo the facia and put all the parts in place. We have also got a new website that will hopefully stand the test of time and be a resource for those who want to see who we are and what we have achieved in our history. We have come a long [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:15:35+00:00November 20th, 2014|Categories: 2014, 2014 Season Review|Tags: |Comments Off on 2014 Hon Secretary’s Season Review
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