Our Reed Cricket Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 28th November 2013, at 8.00 p.m. in the Pavilion, The Green, Reed.


1. To approve the minutes of the AGM held on 29th November 2012.
2. Matters arising.
3. To receive the Hon. Secretary’s Report.
4. To receive the Annual Accounts.
5. To consider amendments to 1 x Club Rule as below:

Proposed Rule 7:

The Management of the Club shall be entrusted to a General Committee of no more than twentyone Club Members consisting of the PRESIDENT, CLUB CAPTAIN, CLUB CHAIRMAN, 2ND XI CAPTAIN, SUNDAY CAPTAIN, HONORARY SECRETARY, HONORARY TREASURER, HONORARY SOCIAL SECRETARY, HONORARY MATCH SECRETARY, BAR COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, GROUND COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, COLTS LIAISON OFFICER, WELFARE OFFICER, UNDER 25 REPRESENTATIVE, FUNDRAISING OFFICER, COACHING COORDINATOR, SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, and up to FOUR other members of the club elected at the Annual General Meeting. Every Member of the General Committee, with the exception of the PRESIDENT, shall retire at the end of one year’s service, but shall be eligible for re-election. The UNDER 25 REPRESENTATIVE must be under 25 when elected. The Committee shall meet at such times as the Committee shall determine, and at all meetings of the General Committee ELEVEN shall form a quorum.

6. To consider and ratify or amend rates of subscription.

7. To elect Officers for the coming year.

8. Any other business.

2013 Club Officers and Team Captains Reports have been posted on the Club Website and will also be available in hard copy in the pavilion on the night of the meeting.

Copies of the various Club Accounts will be available in hard copy in the pavilion on the night of the meeting.

Please make every attempt to come along on the evening of the AGM and raise any issues that you wish to see discussed.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Curtis

Honorary Secretary

Reed Cricket Club.

1st November 2013.