Winter Nets – Open to all-comers

For the remaining 5 sessions as we approach the new season, these practice sessions have been opened-up and all members and potential new players will be welcome irrespective of which standard / Team they normally play in. Contacts are Tom Greaves 07787 243915 and Marcus Martin 07956 021016. =============================================================================== With the New Year just beginning, and the Second Test Match between South Africa and England about to start in a sunny Cape Town , our thoughts turn towards the 2016 domestic cricket season only 16 weeks away. To prepare, practice sessions commence this week. The First Team Squad are scheduled for Wednesday 6th January between 2000hrs and 2130hrs, then every fortnight thereafter until April. The remaining Adult players' sessions will be every fortnight starting on Wednesday the 13th January, also from 2000hrs to 2130hrs. Practices for All Age-Groups of Colts will be on every Saturday morning commencing on 9th January between 1000hrs and 1100hrs. All sessions for adults and colts will be at the Freman College Sports Hall. Please refer to the Events Calendar on the right-side of the RCC homepage to check all dates. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to you all. PGB, Hon. Sec., RCC. (Oldest Centurion!)

By |2016-04-22T12:37:17+01:00January 2nd, 2016|Categories: 2016, Adult Training, Colts' Training, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Winter Nets – Open to all-comers

Winter Nets – open to all-comers

Winter Nets. For the remaining 5 sessions as we approach the new season, these practice sessions have been opened-up and all members and potential new players will be welcome irrespective of which standard / Team they normally play in. Contacts are Tom Greaves 07787 243915 and Marcus Martin 07956 021016. ===============================================================================

By |2016-03-15T14:38:16+00:00November 29th, 2015|Categories: |Tags: |0 Comments

Winter Nets – open to all-comers

Winter Nets. For the remaining 5 sessions as we approach the new season, these practice sessions have been opened-up and all members and potential new players will be welcome irrespective of which standard / Team they normally play in. Contacts are Tom Greaves 07787 243915 and Marcus Martin 07956 021016. ===============================================================================

By |2016-03-15T14:35:02+00:00November 29th, 2015|Categories: |Tags: |0 Comments

Winter Nets – open to all-comers

Winter Nets. For the remaining 5 sessions as we approach the new season, these practice sessions have been opened-up and all members and potential new players will be welcome irrespective of which standard / Team they normally play in. Contacts are Tom Greaves 07787 243915 and Marcus Martin 07956 021016. ===============================================================================

By |2016-03-15T14:31:53+00:00November 29th, 2015|Categories: |Tags: |0 Comments
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