Colts Round-up

In those first early months of the 2020 season when the weather was mostly hot and sunny, we were not allowed to play any form of cricket. Slowly, restrictions relaxed and net practices began for the Under 15s then extended to the younger age groups and included fielding drills. Co-ordinated by Richard Barlow, he and the Coaches supervised these sessions under strict guidelines and the youngsters were seen on The Green practising and developing skills. Usually the Colts’ Fixtures would be completed by the end of the school term in late-July. This year, it was then that the Government gave the green light for matches to be played. With thanks to Reed’s Colts Liaison Officer, Hannah Heslam, she hastily arranged a small fixture list for each age-group with like-minded clubs who wished to provide some competitive games for the children who had been frustrated by not being permitted to play. It was also then that the weather decided to change and some of those games have fallen foul of the rain including both Under 9 matches. The Under 9 team managed by Simon Jackson is scheduled to play tonight (1st September) against Hitchin U9s at Reed whilst both the U10s (versus Bishop’s Stortford) and U15s (v. Bedford) are playing away this evening. The U12s have a match at home against St Margaretsbury on Friday the 4th and the U10s are away to Hemel Hempstead next Sunday morning. Here are some match summaries of the games played so far contributed by the Team Managers, James Heslam (U10), Lee Vincent (U12) and Ian Osborne (U15). —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 3rd August. Under 10. Reed 243 (Net) Knebworth Park 225 (Net). Reed CC U10s comprising of several of the Reed “Invincibles” [...]

By |2020-09-16T07:23:35+01:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: 2020, Match Reports, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Colts Round-up
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