Membership & Subscriptions, Reed CC 2023

A MESSAGE FROM SARAH-JANE NASH, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, REED CC. THANK YOU TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE ALREADY PAID & COMPLETED THEIR REGISTRATION FORM. Club Members’ Subscriptions for 2023 are due now. You have only a little more than three weeks left to take advantage of the reduced rates – you must apply and pay by the 1st of May. Adult Players: £105 before 1st May. £125 AFTERWARDS. Junior Players (aged 16 and above in full-time education): £25 before 1st May. £35 AFTERWARDS. Please complete the Membership Form so that the Club database is updated and for you to keep up to date with club information. The on-line Membership Form is on this Homepage – go to the “Members Area” and choose the “Adult Membership Form". Youth Members (aged 15 and below): £50 (Refer to the “Youth Membership Form” in the "Members Area".) Non-Playing Members and Vice-Presidents: £25 (To include a £10.00 Bar Voucher.) Complete and submit the "Adult Membership Form". Please remember that being a paid up member of Reed Cricket Club means that you are covered by the Club’s public liability insurance when taking part in anything in the name of Reed Cricket Club. You are also supporting the club and helping to maintain the facilities which have all stemmed from membership support. If paying on-line the details are: Reed Cricket Club; Account Number 00740153; Sort Code 30-97-16 at Lloyd’s Bank; Insert the reference: Membership. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires the way data is collected and stored. It does require that ALL members complete & return the registration form annually to keep their membership status. The policy for this can be read in the Members Area: Data protection. The club will [...]

By |2023-05-23T06:29:16+01:00April 7th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Membership Form, News|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Membership & Subscriptions, Reed CC 2023

Saracens Hertfordshire Premier Cricket League, Fixtures 2023

Fixtures in the Hertfordshire League involving Reed Cricket Club during 2023. Because of a problem affecting the use of both Reed Village Green and Freman College Oval, Reed’s three Herts League Teams will all be playing their designated “Home” fixtures away at venues yet to be confirmed for the first two months of the 2023 season, (at least). For more details of fixtures and locations please refer to: Click on ALL FIXTURES then use the Filters to view By Month or By Year and All Teams or any of the specific Teams. For the entire SHPCL programme, go to

By |2023-04-10T10:08:08+01:00January 23rd, 2023|Categories: 2023, Fixtures, Historic Documents, News|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Saracens Hertfordshire Premier Cricket League, Fixtures 2023

Constitution of Reed Cricket Club (2022/23 version)

LATEST VERSION OF THE REED CRICKET CLUB CONSTITUTION, 6th DECEMBER 2022. GENERAL: 1. The name of the Club is Reed Cricket Club. 2. The objectives of the Club are the provision of opportunities for recreation and socialising for the benefit of members, and the provision and maintenance of a Clubhouse at the Reed Village Green, Reed, Near Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8AX. 3. Club colours are royal blue and gold. AFFILIATION: 4. The Club shall be affiliated to, and play under the rules of, the ECB, SHPCL and HCCA. MEMBERSHIP: 5. Every candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will notify the Executive Committee. Until the candidate is elected as a Member he / she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Applicants shall be elected by the Executive Committee at its sole discretion at the earliest opportunity or shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 6. The membership categories of the Club shall be: a. President; b. Honorary Life Member; c. Vice-President; d. Non-playing / Family Member; e. Playing Member (Senior); f. Playing Member (Junior and Youth). SUBSCRIPTIONS; 7. Every Member shall pay on being admitted to the Club an Annual Subscription that shall be fixed from time to time by the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual Subscription will cover a calendar year, that being the period of 1st January to 31st December (inclusive) in any year. The Committee may, at their discretion, reduce subscriptions to individual members in recognition of services rendered to the club. Such subscription shall be deemed to be a debt due to the Honorary Treasurer of the Club for the time being. 8. No money or [...]

By |2022-12-10T06:23:37+00:00December 10th, 2022|Categories: 2022, 2022 AGM, 2023, Club Constitution, Historic Documents, News, Policy|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Constitution of Reed Cricket Club (2022/23 version)

Raise donations for Reed CC using easyfundraising

To Members, Friends and Supporters of Reed Cricket Club, Please remember to raise FREE donations for Reed Cricket Club – Royston through easyfundraising when you shop; it will not cost you a penny extra! Over 6,000 shops & retailers are ready to donate when you do. If you’re not supporting us yet, it’s the best time to join and help ensure this year raises more for our Club. To get started, all you have to do is: 1. Search for Reed Cricket Club’s website and sign up for free by clicking on the icon. 2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first, pick the retailer you want then start shopping. 3. After you've checked out, that retailer will make a donation to Reed Cricket Club. So simple! Thank you and Happy Shopping! Reed Cricket Club.

By |2023-06-26T07:47:55+01:00November 29th, 2022|Categories: 2022, 2022 Season Review, 2023, News, Social|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Raise donations for Reed CC using easyfundraising

Cricket Helmets

Reed Cricket Club recommends the wearing of Helmets when batting in all recreational cricket irrespective of age. Refer to: ================================================================================================================ ECB Guidance Note: Safety Measures for Helmets within Recreational Cricket. The ECB has recently announced new helmet safety measures, which are being introduced with a view to reducing the risk of head and facial injuries within the game. The purpose of this brief note is to assist Leagues and Clubs at the recreational level to understand the key elements of these changes and what they mean. Players over the age of 18. The ECB strongly recommends that all adult recreational cricketers should wear helmets for certain activities, preferably which meet the most recent British Safety Standard (see below). This recommendation applies to batting against all types of bowling, wicket-keepers standing up to the wicket (who may as an alternative wear face protectors) and fielders fielding closer than eight yards from the batter’s middle stump, except behind the wicket on the off side. Under 18s. The position in relation to U18s currently remains unchanged, and is governed by the ‘ECB Guidance on the Wearing of Cricket Helmets by Young Players’ ( In essence, batters and wicket-keepers standing up to the stumps must wear head protection when playing or practising. That Guidance should be referred to in full for the position in relation to U18s. British Safety Standard. The latest British Safety Standard is BS7928:2013 (for both adults and juniors). The full list of helmets meeting this standard is available at For wicket-keeping face protectors the relevant British Safety Standard is BS7929-2:2009 (again, for both adults and juniors). The ECB understands that there is currently no specific women’s helmet and as a consequence no specific [...]

By |2023-04-10T10:05:06+01:00July 16th, 2020|Categories: 2020, 2022, 2023, Child Safeguarding Policy, Child Welfare Policy, News, Safeguarding, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Cricket Helmets
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