2022 AGM
Minutes of the Sixty-sixth Annual General Meeting of Reed CC, 6th December 2022
Minutes of the Sixty-sixth Annual General Meeting of Reed Cricket Club held on Tuesday 6th December 2022 starting at 7.30 pm. 1. Opening address and to confirm the present incumbent, Andrew Emms, as Club President and Chairman of the AGM. According to the Club Constitution there being no alternative nomination received in the requisite time, ANDREW EMMS remained Club President. During his address, Andrew paid tribute to Cilla Robertson, who is stepping down, for her tremendous contribution to the club over many years. 2. Attendance & Apologies. Present at the Meeting: Richard Barlow, Roger Bowcock, Matt Bowles, Jaime Boyd, Andrew Emms (President), Jonathan Fynn, Matt Giblin, Tom Greaves, Neil Haslam, James Heslam, Richard Johnson, Bill Mansfield, Terry McKinnell, Michael Robertson, Bethan Smith, Graham Smith, Stuart Smith (Chairman), Karl Ward and Peter Wholley (Minutes Secretary) (19 attendees). Apologies for absence: Peter Baker, Marcus Baker Lloyd Bowman, Chris Chambers, Mitchell Cooper, Philip Frenay, Toby Fynn, Samantha Greaves, Richard Hayden, William Heslam, Chris Jackson, Robert Lankester, Benjamin Mansfield, Greg McKinnell, Peter McMeekin, Scott Nash, Sarah Nash, Cilla Robertson, Richard Robertson and Matthew Sampson. 3a. To approve the Minutes of the AGM held on 25th November 2021. The minutes were approved. 3b. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the previous AGM on 25th November 2021. There were no matters arising or outstanding actions. 3c. To receive the Chairman’s Report. Stuart delivered his report in which he too gave a warm tribute to the contribution made by Cilla to the club. He also enthused about the number of players and colts now playing for the club. 3d. To receive the Annual Accounts. i. Annual Account: The Honorary Treasurer, Bethan Smith, had circulated financial data to the year ending 30th September [...]