Minutes of the Sixtieth Annual General Meeting of Reed Cricket Club held in the Pavilion on 24th November 2016 starting at 2005hrs.
Andrew Emms, (Club President), Chairman of AGM, Peter Baker, (Minute Taker), Marcus Baker, Roger Bowcock, Matt Bowles, Clive Collins, Keith Collins, Jonathan Fynn, Toby Fynn, Paul Garrott, Tom Greaves, Neil Haslam, James Heslam, William Heslam, Howard Marshall, Marcus Martin, Peter McMeekin, Cilla Robertson, Michael Robertson, Richard Robertson, Bethan Smith, Graham Smith, Stuart Smith, Jack Tidey, Peter Tidey, Sean Tidey, Tim Tidey, Karl Ward, Peter Wholley, Rob Willoughby.
Apologies for absence:
Chris Baker, Lloyd Bowman, Mitchell Cooper, Steve Dunn, Dennis Easley, John Heslam, Alex Mutucumurana, Ian Osborne, Paul Watts.
1. To approve the Minutes of the AGM held on 19th November 2015.
Minutes had been previously circulated and published on the RCC Website.
Approval was proposed by Neil Haslam, seconded by Cilla Robertson, unanimously agreed and signed by the President.
2. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the previous AGM on 19th November 2015.
There were no matters arising.
3. To receive the Honorary Secretary’s Report.
Peter Baker’s Report had been previously circulated and published on the RCC Website.
Receipt of the Hon. Secretary’s Report was proposed by Michael Robertson, seconded by Tom Greaves and accepted unanimously.
4. To receive the Annual Accounts.
Annual Account: The Honorary Treasurer, Bethan Smith, presented financial data to the year ending 30th September 2016.
The Annual Accounts had yet to be audited by Jonathan Fynn and John Heslam but would be completed by the time of the next Committee Meeting. The Closing Balance at 30/9/16 was lower than is had been in 2015, but nevertheless stood at a comfortable ÂŁ15,969.01p.
Receipt of the Annual Accounts was proposed by Peter McMeekin, seconded by Marcus Martin and accepted unanimously.
Bar Account: Bar Committee Chairman, Peter McMeekin, presented Accounts relating to the Bar for the year ending 30th September 2016. He gave a breakdown of significant events that had affected the Bar’s income particularly when compared to the previous year.
Profit for the period was ÂŁ8,066.47p and the Balance carried forward was ÂŁ1,667.48p.
Peter referred to a more detailed report he had previously provided the General Committee in which he had highlighted the best profit-making events. He had encouraged us to consider more organised social activities that could generate more income. As examples, Peter mentioned pool & darts competitions in the winter months; hiring-out the venue; dance nights. He would draft a “flyer” that could be circulated to Club Members and Villagers in an effort to attract better attendance at social evenings.
Receipt of the Bar Account was proposed by Neil Haslam, seconded by Marcus Baker and accepted unanimously.
100 Club Account: Peter McMeekin then also presented Accounts relating to the 100 Club that he had audited stating that Profits this year were ÂŁ1,320. This is a constant cash generator and there are many vacancies that if filled, would boost the profits enormously.
He proposed a Vote of Thanks to Michael Curtis who administers the 100 Club to which everyone
Receipt of the 100 Club Account was proposed by Bethan Smith, seconded by Michael Robertson and accepted unanimously.
5. To consider and vote on proposed Rule Changes in the Club Constitution:
Proposals to two Rules had been widely circulated and published prior to the AGM. Peter Baker explained the changes would be for practicable reasons.
Rule 38. The financial year for the Club is 1st October to 30th September inclusive. Two Auditors shall audit the accounts of the Club annually and the draft accounts and balance sheet will be available at the Annual General Meeting. The Lead Auditor will not be a member of the General Committee although the Secondary Auditor may be.
The changes to the two Rules were proposed by Peter McMeekin, seconded by Jonathan Fynn and carried unanimously without amendment.
6. To consider and ratify or amend rates of Subscription and Match Fees.
Peter Baker explained that the General Committee had discussed Subscriptions and Match Fees at their latest meeting. Cilla Robertson had reported that the incentive of paying a reduced fee by the 1st May had worked well this year and only two members had had to pay the full Subscription. There are some major projects, (new windows, replacement net run-ups, storage shed, fielding net), that we had decided should be completed in 2016/7 that in total had an estimated spend in excess of ÂŁ7,000.
Consequently, the Committee recommended an increase in Adult Players’ Subscriptions from £70 to £85. This would attract a £15 reduction if paid prior to the 1st May, (see below for details).
Juniors’ and Colts’ Subscriptions and all Match Fees would be the same as in 2016.
Subscriptions for Non-Playing Members to be increased to ÂŁ25.
The Committee recommendations were:
Full Playing Members ÂŁ85 (ÂŁ70 in 2016).
Full Playing Members if payment made by 1st May ÂŁ70
Junior Playing Members ÂŁ35 NO CHANGE
(aged 16 and above in full-time education.)
Junior Playing Members if payment made by 1st May ÂŁ25
Non-Playing Members ÂŁ25 (ÂŁ20 in 2016).
Colts Members ÂŁ50 NO CHANGE
Match Fees & Teas (Afternoon Matches): NO CHANGE
Adult ÂŁ10
Junior / Colt £8 (in Open-Age matches, i.e., not Colts’ fixtures.)
Matches Fees on Sundays are reduced by 50% if players have played on both Saturday & Sunday of that weekend: NO CHANGE
(Applicable only when the Full Subscription has been received.)
Adults ÂŁ5
Junior / Colt ÂŁ4
Match Fees (Evening fixtures): NO CHANGE
Midweek Adult ÂŁ2
Midweek Junior / Colt £1 (in Open-Age matches, i.e., not Colts’ fixtures.)
N.B. There are no match fees for Colts playing in Colts’ fixtures.
During a lengthy and wide-ranging discussion, Cilla Robertson was able to confirm that she does have some discretionary powers about the amount of Subscription she requests when circumstances arise that may include new players joining part-way through the season, players sustaining injury or having restricted availability and members carrying-out substantial work for the Club. It was accepted that Cilla would apply a consistent approach to such occasions. Results of the recent Survey carried-out by John Heslam and his observations were also referred to. 91 Members had been consulted with 50 (55%) of them responding.
After this, there was Counter Proposal by Peter McMeekin, seconded by Richard Robertson, that all Subscriptions and Match Fees remain at 2016 levels.
A vote was taken by those eligible members over the age of 16 and the majority chose to implement the recommendations of the General Committee as detailed above.
Members were encouraged to pay subscriptions early with on-line banking transfer being the preferred method.
7. To elect Officers for the coming year.
Under the Club Constitution there being no alternative nomination received in the requisite time, ANDREW EMMS remained Club President.
Peter Baker said that Vice-President Alan Deville had died in April.
No nominations for new Vice-Presidents had been received in the requisite time.
Marcus Baker proposed that all Existing Vice-Presidents be re-elected. Seconded by Tom Greaves. Carried.
The following comprise the Club General Committee in addition to the Club President:
Club Chairman – Stuart Smith. Proposed by James Heslam and Seconded by Jack Tidey.
Honorary Secretary – Peter Baker. Proposed by Neil Haslam and Seconded by Michael Robertson.
Honorary Treasurer – Bethan Smith. Proposed by Tom Greaves and Seconded by Marcus Martin.
Playing Committee Chairman – Matt Bowles. Proposed by Tom Greaves and Seconded by Marcus Baker.
Bar Committee Chairman – Peter McMeekin. Proposed by Peter Baker and Seconded by Neil Haslam.
Ground Committee Chairman – Richard Robertson. Proposed by Rob Willoughby and Seconded by Peter Wholley.
Membership Secretary – Cilla Robertson. Proposed by Stuart Smith and Seconded by Paul Garrott.
Welfare Officer – Cilla Robertson. Proposed by Marcus Baker and Seconded by Peter Wholley.
Fixtures Secretary – Peter Wholley. Proposed by Marcus Baker and Seconded by Paul Garrott.
Coaches’ Coordinator – Richard Barlow. Proposed by James Heslam and Seconded by Sean Tidey.
Fundraising Officer – James Heslam. Proposed by Tom Greaves and Seconded by Cilla Robertson.
Social Secretary – There were no nominees and the position remains vacant.
Colts Liaison Officer – Cilla Robertson. Proposed by Peter Baker and Seconded by Peter McMeekin.
Under 25 Representative – William Heslam. Proposed by Tom Greaves and Seconded by Michael Robertson.
Club Captain – Tom Greaves. Proposed by Michael Robertson and Seconded by Marcus Martin.
Sunday Captain – Marcus Baker. Proposed by Jack Tidey and Seconded by Paul Garrott.
The above Captains, Committee Members and Officers were elected without need of a Vote.
A ballot was required to determine the Second XI Captain:
Phil Frenay. Proposed by Marcus Martin and Seconded by Matt Bowles.
Karl Ward. Proposed by Michael Robertson and Seconded by Neil Haslam.
After a Vote, Phil Frenay was elected.
With the change to the Rules regarding the number of General Committee Members (Without Portfolio), there were up to 4 places to be filled. Only two candidates were willing to stand and were duly elected without the need of a Vote:
Sean Tidey. Proposed by Marcus Baker and Seconded by William Heslam.
Peter Tidey. Proposed by Stuart Smith and Seconded by Matt Bowles.
Two positions remained vacant.
The following were elected as Non-Committee Members without need of a Vote:
1st XI Vice-Captain – Jack Tidey. Proposed by Tom Greaves and Seconded by Michael Robertson.
2nd XI Vice-Captain – Karl Ward. Proposed by Tim Tidey and Seconded by Neil Haslam.
3rd XI Captain – Marcus Baker. Proposed by Matt Bowles and Seconded by Tom Greaves.
4th XI Captain – Lloyd Bowman. Proposed by Neil Haslam and Seconded by Michael Robertson.
Mid-Week Captain – There were no nominations and the position remained vacant.
A ballot was required to determine the two Members of the Playing Sub-Committee, (in addition to its Chairman, Weekend Captains and Vice-Captains):
Paul Garrott. Proposed by Peter Tidey and Seconded by Jack Tidey.
Rob Lankester. Proposed by Marcus Baker and Seconded by Michael Robertson.
Stuart Smith. Proposed by Tom Greaves and Seconded by Karl Ward.
After a Vote, Paul Garrott and Stuart Smith were elected.
The following were elected as Honorary Auditors without need of a Vote:
Jonathan Fynn. Proposed by Michael Robertson and Seconded by Peter McMeekin.
John Heslam. Proposed by Peter McMeekin and Seconded by Michael Robertson.
N.B. Because of the structure of the Fixture list on Sundays, the specific position of Sunday 2nd XI Captain remained vacant.
Trustees: For the record, Peter Baker had confirmed with the four Trustees of the Club, Howard Marshall, Peter Lawrence, Steve Dunn and Richard Robertson that they agree to continue in that capacity.
During the election process, Votes of Thanks were proposed and unanimously given by all members present to the following Club Officials for their particular hard work, successes and contributions:
John Heslam – Resigning as Club Chairman and from the General Committee after 35 years (25 in total as Chairman). Proposed by Andrew Emms, Seconded by Peter McMeekin.
Richard Robertson – Ground Committee Chairman for his continued hard work and time on both grounds. Proposed by Andrew Emms, Seconded by Peter Baker.
Whilst thanking him, Andrew presented Richard with his Honorarium.
8. To confer Life Membership.
At its latest Meeting, the Club’s General Committee had considered a proposal from P. G. Baker, seconded by M.J.E. Baker, to confer Life Membership of the Club on Roger Bowcock.
The Committee had been happy to recommend this to the Members at the AGM and Roger was duly congratulated on his achievement.
9. Any Other Business.
Andrew informed us that Father Christmas was scheduled to fly into Reed on Sunday 18th December this year.
At the request of Jonathan Fynn, Andrew read-out all the results and findings of the recent Survey carried-out by John Heslam.
With new Captains and Club Officers now in place, Cilla Robertson said that the following would be required to apply for DBS certification:
Stuart Smith, Matt Bowles, Karl Ward, Phil Frenay.
ACTION: Cilla Robertson to contact those named to instruct them to apply for DBS certification.
Richard Robertson reminded Captains that pre-match jobs must be completed prior to play commencing. He should not have to be responsible for tasks that players themselves should be undertaking.
Stuart Smith enquired who were on the Bar Sub-Committee. Peter Baker replied that after tonight’s elections to the General Committee, only Peter McMeekin and Bethan Smith remained on the Bar Committee. Because only current General Committee Members are eligible, he would include this item on the Agenda for the first General Committee Meeting in 2017 when the two vacancies on the Bar Committee could be filled.
The Meeting concluded with Andrew Emms thanking everyone and wishing them a successful and enjoyable season in 2017.
The Meeting closed at 2130hrs.
Minutes compiled by:-
Peter G. Baker,
Honorary Secretary,
Reed Cricket Club.
24th November 2016.