President’s Day, Sunday 31st July
PRESIDENT'S DAY - SUNDAY 31ST JULY 2016. A message from Club President Andrew Emms. This year President’s Day will have a different feel to it, in that we are not combining a charity lunch with the cricket; I felt that we have raised the monies required to fund the Heart Screening on September 17th, (see Reed CC website for further information), and I also felt that your generosity in supporting this and previous initiatives should not be taken for granted! So, on President’s Day we will be staging a Double Wicket Competition, which will commence at 11am approx. This consists of pairs of players, competing extremely energetically, in a knockout competition to produce a grand final between the 2 most successful pairs from which the Champions will emerge. A Barbecue will run through the day, and tea will be provided for the players. Matt Bowles, Tom Greaves and Sean Tidey are organising the playing side of things, so any queries contact them for further details. Hopefully the weather will be kind and an enjoyable day will be had by all. ALL PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS ARE WELCOME, TOGETHER WITH THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS, AS WELL AS SUPPORTERS, AND RESIDENTS OF REED. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday, any volunteers to help cook on the Barbecue will be extremely welcome!! Regards, Andrew Emms, President, Reed CC.