In March, at the moment that all cricket events were to be suspended indefinitely because of Coronavirus, I posted that the amount of fixtures was too numerous for me to indicate them individually as "Postponed" or "Cancelled". Now that there has been a relaxation of some of the imposed restrictions and there is likely to be further guidance during the next few weeks, I want to repeat that the matches and events shown in the Calendar on the right of this homepage are all still to be considered as not happening unless otherwise indicated. Once the Government advise the ECB, and the ECB liaise with County Boards, then Clubs agree to some sort of match programme, and we are given a definite date to begin the 2020 season, I shall update each of the remaining fixtures, practices and club events as "GOING AHEAD" or "CANCELLED". I repeat that no date for the resumption of recreational cricket has been given as yet. How, when, and in what format, matches are to be conducted remains to be seen. Please continue to follow the guidelines, stay safe and take care. PGB Peter G Baker, Honorary Secretary, Reed CC 24th June 2020

By |2020-07-26T07:18:57+01:00June 24th, 2020|Categories: 2020, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on “GOING AHEAD” or “CANCELLED”

Brian Bevan 1945 to 2020, RIP

The sad news has reached me today that former Reed cricketer, Brian Bevan, died this morning at his home in Spain. Brian was 74 and is survived by his wife, Caroline, to whom we send our condolences. Brian was a most prolific batsman, (and handy bowler), who played for Reed during the 1980s and early-90s scoring literally thousands of runs, sometimes more than 2,000 in any one season. Brian had been ill for sometime but I understand that his death was not Corona-related. To my knowledge, Brian represented several local clubs including Cottered (where he lived), Aspenden and Johnson Matthey before joining Reed. Caroline’s brother-in-law, Richard Apperley, (also a former RCC player and now a qualified Umpire), reckoned that Brian would have played 7 matches a week if he had had the chance! But then he simply stopped playing cricket virtually overnight and took up golf instead. I am sure you will join me in sending our sympathies to Caroline, Dawn and Richard on the passing of a real Reed Legend. If you did not know him personally, I am certain you would have heard “Robbo” regale us with the stories of Brian’s batting exploits! PGB Peter G. Baker, Honorary Secretary, Reed Cricket Club.

By |2020-07-26T07:19:37+01:00June 15th, 2020|Categories: 2020, News|Comments Off on Brian Bevan 1945 to 2020, RIP

Roadmap for the Return of Recreational Cricket (Step 3), 11th June 2020

MESSAGE FROM THE ECB, 11th JUNE 2020. ============================================================================================= We [ECB] have identified five steps for the recreational game’s proposed phased return in England this summer. England is currently in step 3 – which allows for small group training sessions of up to six people while respecting social distancing.* The Welsh government is due to review current restrictions on 18 June, after which time we will provide further guidance. As cricket is a non-contact sport that involves individual disciplines within a team environment, forms of the game can be played while respecting social distancing. We will continue to be led by UK government advice and will only move into step 4 when the guidance allows and when it is medically safe to do so. ============================================================================================= YOU CAN READ THE LATEST ON THE ECB's WEBSITE, www.ecb.co.uk ============================================================================================= Whilst there, check out some of the cricket / ball skills you can practice at home. There is a free App that you can download aimed at youngsters (search for "Dynamos Cricket App"), but perhaps older players might benefit as well! There are also some film clips accessible on YouTube that I have seen - perhaps you have already discovered them too. * Please wait for further news how Reed CC will shortly implement plans for Small Group Training Sessions. All the best, PGB, Hon. Secretary, Reed CC.

By |2020-07-26T07:20:27+01:00June 12th, 2020|Categories: 2020, Adult Training, Colts' Training, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Roadmap for the Return of Recreational Cricket (Step 3), 11th June 2020

ECB latest advice, 5th June 2020

Further guidelines have been published by the ECB regarding outdoor practice sessions on cricket grounds. Your Club Committee will be holding a Virtual Meeting to discuss plans how such sessions can be introduced and supervised in accordance with the detailed safeguarding guidelines. Once we have considered this latest news, I shall update you afterwards. Please be patient. PGB, Honorary Secretary, Reed CC

By |2020-07-26T07:21:05+01:00June 6th, 2020|Categories: 2020, Adult Training, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on ECB latest advice, 5th June 2020
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