To Reed CC Members,

Please see the details and menu choices for the Annual Dinner next month. When you contact Sam to book a place, tell her your choice of Main Course and Dessert.

Preferably payment is to be done on-line, please.
Lloyd’s Account 00740153, Sort Code, 30 97 16. Add the keyword “Dinner” for reference purposes.

If paying by cheque, make them payable to Reed Cricket Club and post them to me at the address below, BUT YOU MUST BOOK YOUR PLACE WITH SAM FIRST, NOT ME.

The number of places is limited so please do not delay in booking your seat.

If you know of members who don’t have email accounts or access to the internet, please convey this message to them.

Thank you and I hope to see you there.

Peter G. Baker,
Honorary Secretary,
Reed Cricket Club.
Home Telephone 01379 644660
Mobile 07379 331962
email address
Postal correspondence to: “Mulberry House”, 40, Shelfanger Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4EH.