Notification of the Fifty-ninth Annual General Meeting of Reed Cricket Club to be held in the Clubhouse on Thursday 19th November 2015 starting at 2000hrs.
1. Minutes. Approval and signing of minutes from the RCC AGM held on 27th November 2014.
2. Matters arising.
3. To receive the Honorary Secretary’s Report.
4. To receive the Annual Accounts.
5. To consider amendments to the Club Constitution.
6. To consider and ratify or amend rates of Subscription.
Only members over the age of 18 may vote.
7. To elect Officers for the coming year.
Rules, (all those voting must be fully paid-up members of the Club).
Playing members over the age of 18 may vote on the election of all the officers.
Playing members aged 16 or 17 may vote only on the election of Team Captains, Vice-Captains, and
members of the Selection Committee.
Playing members under 16 may not vote.
Non-Playing members must be over the age of 18 to vote, but may not vote on the election of Captains,
Vice-Captains, and Selection Committee.
8. Any other business.
a. Fire Safety Training; current situation.

Club Officers’ and Team Captains’ reports have been posted on the Club website and some hard-copies will be available in the pavilion at the AGM.

Hard-copies of the various Club Accounts will be available in the pavilion at the AGM.

Peter G. Baker,
Honorary Secretary,
Reed Cricket Club.