Message sent on behalf of Andrew Emms, President, Reed Cricket Club. The CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG (CRY) mobile screening unit will be at Reed Cricket Club pavilion all day on the 17th September, and all members between the ages of 14-35 years of age, together with siblings of similar ages, are invited to attend, in order that they may be screened to ascertain that they do not have any heart defects. The sad facts show that 12 young people collapse and die EVERY WEEK in the UK from a previously undiagnosed heart condition, which, had they been screened, would have been picked up and acted upon immediately. Rarely during these screenings, do the medical teams fail to find at least one person who needs further treatment. On the 17th September it is hoped 100 young people will be screened and by now all Club Members and parents of Colts should have received an email inviting you to register and to book a slot. After Reed CC members and their siblings have registered, we will then open screening up to other young people in the village of Reed and the surrounding district. PLEASE register AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, as these screenings are always massively oversubscribed, and we don’t want any members / families to be disappointed. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO REGISTER, PLEASE GO TO www.reedcricketclub.co.uk Choose CONTACT US then EMAIL US. Instructions how to register with CRY will be sent once we have received your request. CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG has been Reed CC’s chosen charity for the last 2 years and the funds raised during this period have enabled this screening to be free of charge to all, [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:11:05+00:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: 2016, News|Tags: , , |Comments Off on HEART SCREENING DAY, 17th SEPTEMBER 2016


Message sent on behalf of Andrew Emms, President, Reed Cricket Club. The CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG mobile screening unit will be at Reed Cricket Club pavilion all day on the 17th September, and all members between the ages of 14-35 years of age, together with siblings of similar ages, are invited to attend, in order that they may be screened to ascertain that they do not have any heart defects. The sad facts show that 12 young people collapse and die EVERY WEEK in the UK from a previously undiagnosed heart condition, which, had they been screened, would have been picked up and acted upon immediately. Rarely during these screenings, do the medical teams fail to find at least one person who needs further treatment. On the 17th September it is hoped 100 young people will be screened, and this invitation for a FREE scan is extended to all those mentioned above. TO BOOK A SLOT YOU MUST REGISTER ‘ON LINE’ as follows... Please go to www.testmyheart.org.uk At the top of the page is the header “PRIVATE SCREENINGS”. Click on this link and you will see Reed Cricket Club listed for the 17th September 2016. Click on the name and you will be asked for a PASSWORD-this is Reed17 Please ensure the first letter is capitalised. Click on the ‘Places Available’ link and choose a time slot. Fill in the required details and then click ‘book’. You will then receive a pending email, which means the appointment is booked, (please check your junk email folder if you do not receive this in your inbox). Nearer the time of the screening, you will be sent a confirmation email; this will include a medical questionnaire and [...]

By |2016-12-27T13:11:07+00:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: 2016, News|Tags: , , |Comments Off on HEART SCREENING DAY, 17th SEPTEMBER 2016
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