Honorary Secretary’s Report, 2015.
Honorary Secretary’s Report, 2015. At the 2014 AGM, Michael “Baz” Curtis did not seek re-election as Honorary Secretary and I replaced him. Keith Collins, after 40+ years on the committee, and Stuart Smith also stood-down whilst Rob Willoughby, Jack Tidey and Sean Tidey filled the vacancies. In April Tom Greaves resigned as Coach Coordinator and subsequently Richard Barlow was co-opted onto the General Committee in that role. Life Member and former President, Howard Marshall, decided to stand-down from the Committee in May. Howard is irreplaceable! Your General Committee met 11 times during the year with an average attendance rate touching 83% per meeting at the time of writing this report. There were several pieces of significant business completed during the year. Reed Parish Council wished to formalize our 60-year association. Negotiated by Club Chairman, John Heslam, a 10-year agreement with a 5-year notice to quit clause that protects both the Parish Council and the Club was signed-off. Similarly, a new agreement based on the same lines was made with the Freman College management. RCC pay nothing to the school but in return the playing area is maintained to top class standards with Richard Robertson overseeing the preparation of pitches for school matches in addition to the ones our 3rd and 4th XIs use at weekends. We are indebted to JQH for seeing through these vital safeguards to our future. Thank you John. Parts of the Club Constitution were thought to be out of date, lacking certain important content and in no particular order. It has been reviewed and the proposed new Constitution will be brought to the AGM this November for members to vote on. Because of dwindling numbers, we were proactive in trying to [...]