Minutes of the Sixty-sixth Annual General Meeting of Reed Cricket Club held on Tuesday 6th December 2022 starting at 7.30 pm.

1. Opening address and to confirm the present incumbent, Andrew Emms, as Club President and Chairman of the AGM.
According to the Club Constitution there being no alternative nomination received in the requisite time, ANDREW EMMS remained Club President. During his address, Andrew paid tribute to Cilla Robertson, who is stepping down, for her tremendous contribution to the club over many years.

2. Attendance & Apologies.
Present at the Meeting:
Richard Barlow, Roger Bowcock, Matt Bowles, Jaime Boyd, Andrew Emms (President), Jonathan Fynn, Matt Giblin, Tom Greaves, Neil Haslam, James Heslam, Richard Johnson, Bill Mansfield, Terry McKinnell, Michael Robertson, Bethan Smith, Graham Smith, Stuart Smith (Chairman), Karl Ward and Peter Wholley (Minutes Secretary) (19 attendees).

Apologies for absence:
Peter Baker, Marcus Baker Lloyd Bowman, Chris Chambers, Mitchell Cooper, Philip Frenay, Toby Fynn, Samantha Greaves, Richard Hayden, William Heslam, Chris Jackson, Robert Lankester, Benjamin Mansfield, Greg McKinnell, Peter McMeekin, Scott Nash, Sarah Nash, Cilla Robertson, Richard Robertson and Matthew Sampson.

3a. To approve the Minutes of the AGM held on 25th November 2021.
The minutes were approved.

3b. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the previous AGM on 25th November 2021.
There were no matters arising or outstanding actions.

3c. To receive the Chairman’s Report.
Stuart delivered his report in which he too gave a warm tribute to the contribution made by Cilla to the club. He also enthused about the number of players and colts now playing for the club.

3d. To receive the Annual Accounts.
i. Annual Account: The Honorary Treasurer, Bethan Smith, had circulated financial data to the year ending 30th September 2022. The Closing Balance was £21,778.17p. Accounts will audited by Alec Fynn and Scott Rouse.

Bethan spoke about the need to raise more money next year. She was particularly annoyed that some players were not paying their match fees. By the end of September over £1,000 were owing (See her accounts). The majority of the money has been recouped, but only after a great deal of chasing on her behalf. (It is not fair on her – Stuart).
With so many people paying by phone, there is no excuse for not paying on the day of the match. We are considering using the SPOND program which sends out invoices to collect the money. Some attendees at the Dinner have also not yet paid for their meals. In addition both she and Stuart exhorted members to stage family events at the Clubhouse to generate funds – Stuart is having his birthday celebrations here next year.

ii. Bar Account: Peter McMeekin circulated Accounts relating to the Bar for the year ending 30th September 2022 and a written report in which he had highlighted significant events. The bar made a profit of £7,626.78p this year, which was well up on last year, although expenses of £1,583 23p meant that slightly less money was raised.

3e. To consider and vote on proposed Rule Changes in the Club Constitution.
An amendment to the constitution stating that: “Reed CC fully adopts the principles of the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code” was carried unanimously.

3f. To consider and ratify or amend rates of Subscription and Match Fees.
The Committee recommended the following for 2023, i.e. there were no changes to the rates:


Full Playing Members £125
Full Playing Members – if payment made by 1st May £105

Junior Playing Members £35
(aged 16 and above in full-time education.)
Junior Playing Members – if payment made by 1st May £25

Non-Playing Members £25

Youth Members £50

Match Fees & Teas (Afternoon Matches):
Adult £10
Junior / Youth £8
(in Open-Age matches, i.e., not Youth fixtures.)

Matches Fees on Sundays are reduced by 50% if players have played on both Saturday & Sunday of that weekend:
(Applicable only when the Full Subscription has been received.)
Adults £5
Junior / Youth £4

Match Fees (Evening fixtures): £2
Midweek Junior / Youth £1
(in Open-Age matches, i.e., not Youth fixtures.)
N.B. There are no match fees for Youths playing in Youth fixtures.

Members were encouraged to pay subscriptions early with on-line banking transfer being the preferred method.

3g. To elect Vice-Presidents, Officers and Auditors for the coming year.
All existing Vice-Presidents were re-elected. There were no new nominations.

The holders of the following Positions / Roles had indicated that they would not be seeking re-election in 2022:
Cilla Robertson (Membership Secretary) and Sam Greaves (Social Secretary). In addition, Stuart Smith (2nd XI Captain) and Keiran McKinna (U25 Representative) asked whether replacements could be found for their roles, but none were forthcoming.

All other members of the Committees, Captains and Auditors had indicated their willingness to continue and a nomination had been received by Sarah Nash (Membership Secretary).
Neil Haslam asked for his temporary role as Playing Sub-Committee Chairman to be made permanent. Both were appointed unanimously. Consequently, the following were elected / re-elected:

3g i. The following comprise the Club Executive Committee:
Club Chairman Stuart Smith
Membership Secretary Sarah Nash
Ground Committee Chairman Richard Robertson
Honorary Treasurer Bethan Smith
Club Captain Tom Greaves
Safeguarding Officer Hannah Heslam
Playing Committee Chairman Neil Haslam
Bar Committee Chairman Julien Fynn
Minutes Secretary Peter Wholley

3g ii. In addition to the Club President and Executive Committee Members, the following comprise the Club General Committee:

Fixtures Secretary Matt Giblin
Social Secretary Vacant
Under 25 Representative Keiran McKinna
Coaches’ Coordinator Richard Barlow
Youth Cricket Liaison Officer Hannah Heslam
Second XI Captain Stuart Smith
Fundraising Officer James Heslam
Sunday Captain Matt Giblin
Facility Manager Bill Mansfield
SHPCL Representative Michael Robertson
Minutes Secretary Peter Wholley
Without Portfolio Scott Nash
Without Portfolio Peter McMeekin

No nominations were received for the position of Honorary Secretary. At the earliest opportunity, the General Committee will nominate or co-opt a person or persons to fulfil the responsibilities.

3g iii. The following are Non-Committee roles:

1st XI Vice-Captain Rob Lankester
2nd XI Vice-Captain Michael Robertson
3rd XI Captain Scott Nash

3g iv. Members of the Playing Sub-Committee:
Neil Haslam (Chair), Tom Greaves, Stuart Smith, Scott Nash, Rob Lankester, Michael Robertson and Matt Giblin.

3g v. The following were re-elected as Honorary Auditors:
Alec Fynn and Scott Rouse.

3g vi. Trustees:
Steve Dunn, Clare Stevenson (in loco of Peter Lawrence), Richard Robertson and Stuart Smith are all willing to continue as Trustees. They are invited by the General Committee to carry-out duties should the Club have to be wound-up and are therefore are not in elected positions.

4. To confer Life Membership.
No nominations have been received.

5. Any Other Business.

Terry questioned the issue of £10 bar vouchers to Non-playing Members as he is teetotal and felt that £25 was a reasonable subscription. Counter arguments were made that it might attract members to spend time at the bar, that it might attract local villagers to join and would only cost the Club £5 anyway having profited from the sale of drinks.

Stuart re-iterated his optimistic note that our youth squads are developing well and there are more playing members than he can remember. However, he was disappointed only a handful of players (9) had attended the AGM or helped behind the scenes. He urged members to support social events, encouraged them to run one and suggested events could be organised for youngsters (Andrew said he would try to organise a Christmas social again).

Stuart closed the AGM by thanking all attendees and wished them a happy Christmas.

Date for the next General Committee meeting (Virtual):
Monday 9th January 2023.

The Meeting closed at 8.40 pm.

Minutes compiled by:-

Peter Wholley
Minutes Secretary,
Reed Cricket Club.
6th December 2022

Signed as a true and accurate record: …………………………………………………………. Date: ……………..
(Club President)
To be approved, signed and dated at the 67th AGM in November 2023.