The Fixture Card that never was! I had the final draft of the 2020 season Fixture Card ready to send to the printers in mid-March when we were told that all cricket activities were suspended indefinitely.
The Hertfordshire League (SHPCL) programme eventually commenced on Saturday the 18th July. Each team will have 9 fixtures in the League season, i.e., one each against every opponent in their respective Divisions. There will be no promotion or relegation this season and match formats have been reduced.
1st XI – Premier Division. All matches will be 45 overs per side starting at 1200hrs except 5th September (1130hrs) and 12th September (1100hrs).
2nd XI – Division 3B. All matches will be 45 overs per side starting at 1200hrs.
3rd XI – Division 10A. All matches will be 40 overs per side starting at 1300hrs except 5th September (1230hrs) and 12th September (1200hrs).
National Village Cup* – All matches will start at 1300hrs (except the Final) and will be 40 overs per side.
Round 1 will be at Home versus Redbourn on Sunday 26th July. The Rounds will be played on consecutive Sundays with the Final at Lord’s still planned for Sunday 13th September (starting at 1100hrs).
Unfortunately, Reed, comprising Second and Third XI players, lost in the 1st Round.
Sunday Friendlies and President’s Day – Although some fixtures had been arranged against our traditional opponents, they and President’s Day may be affected by our participation and progress in the Village Cup.
Results for SHPCL matches can be found on and should be published by 2100hrs on the day of the match.
1st XI match scorecards can be seen on
The revised draw for what is now known as The Cricketer Village Cup* can be found on
Results would normally appear by the Thursday after the match but that might differ in this condensed structure this year.
Some fixtures have been arranged for the Under 9s, 10s, 12s and 15s during the latter part of August. These matches are listed as starting at 1800hrs although will begin as soon as everyone has arrived bearing in mind the fading light this late in the summer.
Information is correct at time of writing but please check our website regularly for any changes. Please forward or convey this message to anyone else you may think would be interested. Thank you.
Peter G. Baker,
Honorary Secretary,
Reed Cricket Club.
N.B. You can see more fixtures in this list by changing SHOW ENTRIES to 100.