Sent on behalf of Reed Cricket Club General Committee.

The Cricket Club will still have bills to pay during this crisis and there will be a lack of income from Subscriptions, the Bar and Match fees, etc., which will have an affect on our financial well-being. Therefore, your Committee has decided to ask you the following about Membership Subscriptions.

We are appealing to you to please consider donating a sum up to a figure of £25 in lieu of your Membership Subscription. This will be your contribution to the Club to help us keep it running in these first few months of the summer. We cannot impose making a donation on you, but we do invite you to.

Already paid?
Some of you have already paid the full Subscription, either as Player or Non-Playing Member. Should you want a refund of all or part of your Subs, please contact the Treasurer, Bethan Smith on 01763 260446, to work out details whether you wish the Club to retain part as your donation, or to be refunded the full amount.

If we are lucky enough to fulfil any fixtures later in the summer, we will revisit this subject and make adjustments as necessary.

I shall leave it for you to make your own decisions whether to make donation or not.

Membership Form:
However, we do require ALL existing Members to please complete and submit a Membership Form. An electronic version can be found in the Members Area of the Club’s website,

This is necessary so that you are covered by insurance and complies with Data Protection Regulations. Please direct any queries to Cilla Robertson on 07852 299719 if you have any.

General Meeting (Annual or Extraordinary):
For Voting purposes at the 2020 AGM, (or any EGM held if an AGM cannot be convened), you will be recognised in the category you were in during 2019, (i.e., Player, Non-Playing Member, Vice-President). The exceptions being the two new Life Members announced at the 2019 AGM.

There will be no Subscription required from Colts in 2020 and we are not asking for donations. If parents, having read the above, wish to contribute, we will be most grateful for any financial support.

But likewise, we do ask that you sign-up your children, (anyone turning 9 or above this school year), using your electronic Membership Form on the website. Hannah Heslam will be in touch with further details. At present the Herts Junior League is proposing to play fixtures in July / August if circumstances allow.

All-Stars’ joining fees are paid directly to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). They have not as yet issued advice how refunds might be made, but the Hertfordshire Cricket Board has made enquiries. When I know more, I shall advise you.

1). Our Banking details are shown on the electronic Membership Form on the website; make your donations on-line adding the keyword: DONATE.
2). Cheques made payable to Reed Cricket Club can be posted to me at the address below.

Thank you all for your forbearance and your anticipated help. Please keep fit & healthy — all the best.

Peter G. Baker,
Honorary Secretary,
Reed Cricket Club
Address for Postal Correspondence: “Mulberry House”, 40, Shelfanger Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4EH.
Home Telephone 01379 644660
Mobile 07379 331962