All the 2018 Fixtures are listed below. Browse down to the Team and date as this chart includes all three Saturday Teams, the Sunday Cup matches and Friendlies plus the Under 9s, Under 11s and Under 13s Colts’ matches.
For more details look down the right side of the Homepage then go across to the Events Calendar which shows venues for Away matches and Match Formats of the “Open-Age” fixtures. Click on the “View all Events” button to see the calendar day-by-day, month-by-month or as a list. The “Search” box is there to help too; just type-in a ‘keyword’ that refers to what you are looking for.
League Tables and Results in all matches played in the Saracens Hertfordshire Premier Cricket League (SHPCL) and the Herts T20 competition can be seen in detail by going to
The full draw and results of the National Village Cup (NVC) can be viewed by visiting or
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